Proper waste disposal involves committing to waste segregation. Before you dump all your old things and scraps to the bin, sort out materials that can be re-used and recycled. The leftover waste can then be sorted into organic waste, inorganic waste, non-recyclable material, and even compost that can be packaged and sold.
These practices are aligned with environmental policies that the whole country is working towards. Lake Macquarie skip bin hire services and other waste management companies are even adding to the effort, making it easier for you to commit to proper waste disposal.
Having proper waste disposal methods available gives support to recycling and saves precious materials.
It is critical that materials are being renewed for other purposes. Not only does this give it further use and stops it from going to the landfill, but it can also limit the need to manufacture new materials.
Limiting the creation of new materials helps support sustainability and causes less pollution from the manufacturing processes.
It is important that proper waste disposal methods, such as green waste keeps and other waste types, are available as it makes recycling much easier for users to understand and for companies, such as ours, to organise.
1. It Promotes health and sanitation
One of the biggest concerns when it comes to waste disposal is health and sanitation. Festering and rotting waste is a breeding ground for bacteria and mould. Without proper waste disposal, your home is vulnerable to the spread of disease. Improper waste management, which can include scattered rubbish or late skip bin hire pick-ups, can lead to skin rashes, allergies, or worse problems.
2. Protects the environment
Aside from benefitting your individual and community safety, proper waste disposal is also a responsibility towards the environment. Waste management reduces the burden of plastics and mass generation of materials. It also promotes composting and other practices that do not contribute to climate change.
4. Reduces pest infestation
Waste attracts pests like insects and rodents. Perishables especially need to be thrown out of the home at least once a week. It is best to have a trash can outside your home, to reduce the harm of pests and to avoid the pungent smell.
5. Improves community health
Before the advent of proper waste disposal practices, people were harmed by burning waste in landfills and backyards. Respiratory problems, like asthma and emphysema, and systemic diseases can develop. Communities are better off with proper waste disposal.
Waste disposal can be defined as any method used to discard unwanted substances or materials. Poor waste disposal activities engender severe environmental problems on a location.
However, improper waste disposal is the disposal of waste in a way that has negative consequences for the environment. Examples include littering,hazardous waste that is dumped into the ground,and not recycling items that should be recycled.
Negative effects of improper waste management not only ends in a disgusting view but also affects the overall economy of a country. State has to spend a lot of money to counter the effects of improper waste management. Moreover, animals depended on the environment also face a great threat due to the oil spills and leaching of chemicals which directly cause soil and water contamination. Burning of any disposed waste and plastic materials results in air and environmental pollution.
Though we all are familiar with common methods of waste management like landfills, incineration, recycling, biological processing or energy conservation; we find ourselves living in a world filled with waste. Renewable energy and recycling took us to newer heights, but the adverse effects of improper waste management continue to plague us.
1. Soil Contamination
Ideally, we would like our plastic, glass, metal and paper waste to end up at a recycling facility. It then returns to us as a renewable product.
The biggest risks for soil contamination are in urban areas and former industrial sites. If you are unsure about the condition of the soil near your home or property, it’s best to have a soil test done to be sure about its safety. Of course, most soil is perfectly safe for play, gardening, and recreation, but it’s best to be safe.
Common contaminants in urban soils include pesticides, petroleum products, radon, asbestos, lead, chromated copper arsenate and creosote. In urban areas, soil contamination is largely caused by human activities. Some examples are manufacturing, industrial dumping, land development, local waste disposal, and excessive pesticide or fertilizer use. Heavy car and truck traffic can contaminate soil, and so can a single car: Have you ever noticed a shiny puddle under your car in the driveway? That’s oil–a petroleum product–and when it rains, that oil will end up in the soil!
When soil is contaminated with these substances, it can hurt the native environment. Many of these substances are just as toxic to plants as they are to humans. In addition, since soil is the “earth's kidney'' ,contaminants can trickle through the soil and get to our water supply. You can see why soil contamination is such an important topic.
2. Water Contamination
Water is an excellent solvent; it can contain numerous dissolved chemicals. As a result, while moving through, water picks up pollution along the way. It often has dissolved substances like various chemicals and gases.
Rainfall easily mixes to toxic liquid substances and seeps into the water streams to end up in nearby water bodies. Thus, the neighbourhood fountain, pond, lake or even drinking water taps are susceptible to the dangers of contamination.
The victims? All living organisms including us, humans.

3. Extreme Weather Caused By Climate Change
Firstly, harmful greenhouse gases are created from decomposing waste. These rise up to the atmosphere and trap heat. This adversely causes extreme weather reactions in the form of storms and typhoons.
How else are we impacted? Well, apart from temperature what is also drastically affected is the level of precipitation in the air. From acid rain to severe hail storms or global warming – everything is fair game at present. This also spreads out into other areas with regards to subdivisions such as thermal and radioactive pollution.
4. Air Contamination
Let’s talk about the ozone layer first. A lot of it leaves us feeling hopeless for we feel unable to make necessary changes. We think we cannot consume any less. Even so, we can, at least, follow strict protocol over how it’s recycled.
On the occasions paper and plastic are burned at the landfill, causing landfill gas, the chemicals released which accumulate and contribute to the ozone layer and also hurt the surrounding human population. Methane gas adds to it as well. Besides, with chemicals such as dioxin out there, the air has been proven to have harmful effects on us.
All of it, and especially when improper waste management is concerned, play a significant role in causing global warming.

5. Harm Towards Animal and Marine Life
Despite strict measures to stop it, we keep seeing the continual dumping of garbage, raw or untreated sewage. Any animal or marine life coming in contact gets impacted in the worst of ways. The inevitable formation of algal bloom and clusters contaminates and eventually suffocates marine life such as coral and fish.

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